Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Long time

Hey guys long time no see. I have still been playing some games but not many I have been out of town. How is everyone?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Open Gym

Well it is almost time for basketball season to start and next week we are having open gym. We dont have a couch yet, but hopefully we will get one soon. I am still playing some pickup games here and there.
God is love,Chris

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Well I just got back from Lee U and I played for about 3 hours. We did pretty good.
God is love,Chris

My game

I have been playing alot of pickup games lately at the local college.I am the youngest and shorters guy there every time. I dont get to play much but its fun to go there and see all the great players. I like to see how creative they get with their passes and shots. Play basketball because you love it and never loose that love.
God is love,Chris.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I like Basketball because its fun. It is a good way to express yourself. I like when the ball is in my hand, cause I feel in control. I like to win, but wining isnt everything.Micheal Jordan has lost over 300 games and look how great he is.I like the Celtics my favorite player is Glen"Big Baby" Davis. He is my favorite because he gets the boards like a beast. I love how involed he gets with the game you can see he loves it.


Hey this is about basketball.