Tuesday, December 14, 2010

LeBrons new house....

 The pool overlooking the ocean.
The first half of the kitchen
 The kitcheen where he makes "The Decsion" of what to eat for dinner.
 The Bathroom where LeBron thinks about all the fans he let down in Cleveland
 The wine celler,would look cooler with wine in it.
 All thoose MVP shirts wont wash them selves
Atleast he dosent have to spend money on a ring display.

John Wall

This kid is a great great great player. He hes exploided into the league.He is now the new face of washington,he is now the leader and has taken the place of the team. He is running the team like a general.
I feel like he brought order to the Wizards when they needed it. I cant wait to see him in the playoffs this year and maybe in the finals?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chris Bosh, we all know him as the third wheel of the "Big 3" but how good is he really? He played in Toronto for a few years and is now in South Beach with LeBron and Dwade, I myself never really saw him breaking out in Toronto much. I personaly think that it would of been best for him to stay in Toronto. He was the leader there and now he is just one of many great players on a team.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rajon Rondo, by now people know the name. If I would of said this name in a group of ball players last year one or two might know the name but not many. In the finals last year this kid decided to show the world that the Celtics had more then a group of three,although I dont see why people singled out thoose there playes. I think the Celtics are a great team with many great players. Anyways Rondo is an amazing basketball player and at the core is a great point-guard. He isnt always about getting the nice looking shoot or taking the game winner. He is dishing out 16.4 assists a game. We need to look out for this guy.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Heat Vs Cavilers

Tonight LeBron returns to Cleveland with his new team and his new shoes. Now the reason I mention the shoes is Nike is a key component in the negative thoughts with LeBron. Nike made the commerical mocking everything that happend this summer.I think we are all very anxious to see what LeBron can do with the pressure of being in his old city. From what I have seen LeBron is not vey good under pressure when theres a big game on the line. LeBron is 4-19 when it comes to taking the game winning shot. We will just have to wait and see what he can do.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Joshua Bates

Joshua Bates is a kid in my class, he is very smart and would make a great gangsta. He likes to use very big words and also likes to party like a beast. I want him to tutor my kids one day so they will be very smart like he is now. He is the only kid I know that can run PowerDirecter like a beast. He is superduper smart and loves star wars. Thats Joshua Bates

Cleveland Vs Tcps

Last night the Cleveland Raiders and the Tcps Hawks played at Cleveland high school last night. Cleveland is a very big name when it comes to local basketball and Tcps is a very un-heard of name when it comes to local basketball. Everyone was expecting it to be a blow out and frankly so was Tcps, but in a strange turn of events Tcps played hard and only lost by 9 points. At one point there were only down by 5 points. These two teams play each other again soon, should be a great game.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Texans Vs Titans Vs Johnson Vs Finnegan

The Titans and the Texans played this sunday but the big attention wasent on the end score but more the fight that happend during the game between two players. Both players got finned 25,000 thousand dollars a piece. It was a crazy event. I cant believe the let that get the best of them.

The new credit system.

We are now using a credit like system, For every insigment you do you get 5$ dollars which is the same amount as 5 mins of game time.I like how its working, I think it will work out of. We will just have to wait and see , I will keep you updated on how it is working.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Heat Vs Suns

LeBron James and the Heat held there own last night in south beach. I think all and all they did a great job, Chris Bosh played great.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I hit Jarren

I just threw a pen and hit Jarren in the head with it, it was pretty darn funny if I do say so myself.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We played the Patriots last night, they held us to 17 points and we allowed them 67 points. It was a terrbile game on our part, we played the worst I have ever seen a team play.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Love Justin Bieber!

Im going to admit it, I love the Biebes. He is great, He has the second best hair in the world after mine of course. I want to be just like him when I grow up. Ive got Bieber fever.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hawks Vs Patriots

This monday the TCPS Hawks play the Patriots. I hope we win, we dont really flow that well together yet but theres still some time left to improve. The game is the opener of our this seasson. I cant wait for the game.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No Wade!

The Cowboys fired there head coach Wade Phillps, The owner Mr.Jones said he wasent going to make any changes untill the end of the year but I think the beating they took from the Packers sunday night was a push force in his decsion. I dont know how well the Cowboys will do with the rest of there season.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cant beat the Heat?

The Heat are on a 3 win streak so far, I think  loseing to the Celtcis was a slap in the face for the whole organization. The Big 3 is slowly learning how to work together and they are starting to flow well together. I am exicted to see what the Heat have in store for the NBA this year.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

John Wall can Duggie

John Wall made Washington a crazy city last night. It was the home opener for the Washingtion Wizards. He opened up with the Duggie,the Wizards took the 76ers into overtime. The Wizards beat the 76ers by one point in overtime. It was a great game.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

3 Peat anyone?

2009-2010 Lakers were a dominate force last year  winning back to back tittles. Led by Kobe who was named MVP for the game. Can they do it again? Phil Jackson is back for his last year to take Kobe and the gang to their first 3 peat. Personaly I think they will, they will have more competion then last year with the add-ons by the Celtcis and the hype down in South Beach. Should be a fun year.

Packers Vs Jets

The Packers and the Jets played this week. The Packers delt out a great game. They beat the Jets 9-0, the Packers linebackers had a great game. They got to the backfeild many times. It was a great game and a great win.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hawks Vs Grizzles

The Hawks and the Grizzles played last night. The Hawks played an amazing game. Josh Smith walked away with 7 blocks for the night. Joe Jhonson was also a key factor to the win walking away with 22 points. Marvin Willams was great aswell he droped 13 points for the whole night.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Celtics Vs Heats

The Heat made their dubut last night, they lost and it was funny. All the hype about the "BIG 3" Its a Big joke. Lebron and D Wade had 14 turnovers just the two of them alone no to mention the rest of the team. The Celtcis held them to 9 points in the first quater. It was a great game.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

DeAngelo Hall

DeAngelo Hall is the reason the Reskins won, he got for picks and returned that last one for a touchdown. He is an amazing corner and one the best in the leauge today. Hail to the Redskins.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hey guys

Hey everybody, Whats up with everyone? Today I am going to basketballl practice and then going to a volleyball. How is everyone?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Dogs are so furry and cute I wish I was a dog so I could chase birds and stuff.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I love cleveland it's amazing. This town is beatufil it always has great weather and so many things to do. I love how many people there are here that play basketball.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Practice after school

Hey guys I have practice everyday and today it is after school. I wish we didnt have practice today because I whould love to just relax but whatever it's all good,

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dads bday

Hello all my dads birthday is saturday he will be 50 years young. I might spend tonight with him. I dont know yet.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I just had practice last night and again tonight we havent even touched a ball yet. But its still fun. I love all of you,my nuggets.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Well I got so comments on my last post. To tocuh lightly on the questions that I have been asked, I never really practiced anything when I skated I just skated. The advice I can give is sakte cause its fun not because other people want you to, do it for yourself.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Well I had so many comments asking about so many differnt things I thought I whould touch lightley on my many questions asked by all my fans. Well to improve you defense Pete the best way to work on it is to run. Because Basketball is a fast pace sport so you always need to be ready on Defense because it can switch in the blink of an eye. I whould just throw the ball up aganist the glass and get the rebound that helps on your defense under the boards.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Why dosent any one want to comment on my post? Is it a fat joke? Come on guys!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I am so tired.... Its been such a long day. Cant wait to get home.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Modern Warfare2

I play MW2 for the Xbox360 and I love it. I am willing to play with anyone just add me MajorEar. Im on all the time.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Dude im so ready for school to be over for the week. I really want to just chill. It is kinda cool but it is just really long. What do you guys think about school?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Long time

Hey guys long time no see. I have still been playing some games but not many I have been out of town. How is everyone?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Open Gym

Well it is almost time for basketball season to start and next week we are having open gym. We dont have a couch yet, but hopefully we will get one soon. I am still playing some pickup games here and there.
God is love,Chris

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Well I just got back from Lee U and I played for about 3 hours. We did pretty good.
God is love,Chris

My game

I have been playing alot of pickup games lately at the local college.I am the youngest and shorters guy there every time. I dont get to play much but its fun to go there and see all the great players. I like to see how creative they get with their passes and shots. Play basketball because you love it and never loose that love.
God is love,Chris.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I like Basketball because its fun. It is a good way to express yourself. I like when the ball is in my hand, cause I feel in control. I like to win, but wining isnt everything.Micheal Jordan has lost over 300 games and look how great he is.I like the Celtics my favorite player is Glen"Big Baby" Davis. He is my favorite because he gets the boards like a beast. I love how involed he gets with the game you can see he loves it.


Hey this is about basketball.